Friday, October 22, 2010

2010 Haunt Reviews: Primitive Fear

Primitive Fear
5155 East 64th Ave
Commerce City, CO

In addition to renovating the 13th Street Manor, the good people at Hauntplex have also recreated their signature haunt, Primitive Fear. The results are not quite as impressive, but it's still a massive step up from what had become a reliable, but boring old standby. Primitive Fear now features a much more cohesive setting - essentially, a network of underground tunnels - and, to my eye, a much improved level of detail. There is a hallway of shrouded corpses very early on that is legitimately breathtaking, and the old sewer tunnels have been redressed and reoriented in a much more satisfying way. I cannot emphasize enough how pleased I am with how Hauntplex has stepped up its game, and I hope they can keep it up.


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