Sunday, October 25, 2009

30. 28 Days Later

Danny Boyle, 2003 (US release)

Not as good as I remember thinking the first time I saw it, but still a solid, very effective movie. I hear a lot of complaints about the final 1/3 of the movie, once the soldiers come into the picture. I can kind of understand them, but I completely disagree - that segment is what makes the picture. Up until that point, it had just been a reasonably well-made post-apocalyptic movie, kind of like any other (outside of the aesthetic aspects). The soldier portion is where the more interesting ideas and moral ambiguity come into play. I think the issue for many may be that there is a strong fantasy component to all post-apocalyptic stories. As horrible as the events may be, there's a certain degree of "wouldn't it be cool/fun if. . ." This is typified by the shopping sequence, or by Selena's assumption that Jim's plan was for them to "fall in love and fuck," since there was no one else around. Once the soldiers come into play, the true ugliness of the situation comes to the fore and it's hard to look at things the same way.

1 comment:

siberianluck said...

wow, I so agree with you.