Tuesday, October 13, 2009

19. Rosemary's Baby

Roman Polanski, 1968

I was really hoping to like this one, but it just wasn't meant to be, I suppose. It was Polanski's first American movie, and I wonder if he had a bit of a tin ear for the language, as the performances are pretty uniformly terrific when silent, but all seem to fall apart a bit during dialogue. Likewise, when Rosemary walks in on the Satanists at the end, it's quite atmospheric and unsettling. . . until everyone starts jumping around and shouting "Hail Satan," at which point it just gets silly. The real source of the problems, though, is probably the fact that it was adapted extremely faithfully (Ira Levin called it the most faithful adaptation ever). Movies need to be adapted from the page, not just translated.


1 comment:

siberianluck said...

I told you it was disappointing :-)