Saturday, November 22, 2008

What I've Done

Today I sorted through all of my MiniDV videotapes. And by "all," I mean, "the ones that were in my videotape box." There are still a few here and there, lying around - in fact, I can see three more unlabeled tapes right now that are sitting just down and to the left of the photo - but what you're looking at here is the bulk of it. The stacks are, from left to right:

1 and 2 - The Red King and related material (2001)

3 - Fritz and Franz: Fight the Future (1998, German)

4 - Two Legs at Noon, AKA The Unwritten Rule (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)

5 - Movie Saturday (2003-2005)

6 - Professional work (look how small it is)

7 - A Month and Change (2006)

8 and 9 - Hell if I know. Lots of different miscellaneous stuff. I'm sure Intuition is in there, along with some more Movie Saturday stuff. There's some personal material as well, like my trip to England and a couple years worth of Art Days.

Each of these tapes holds one hour, so that's just under 100 hours of raw footage. This was then condensed down to, by my estimation, just under ten hours of final product. Now that I've typed out the dates above, I see that this actually represents almost ten years exactly. I wish there was more than this; but even still, looking at these stacks of videotapes gives me all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings. There's something very validating about being able to tangibly see your accomplishments, for good or ill. Hrm.

Here's to the next ten years.


eaumaison said...

You have video footage from England? I want to see it!

oleswerdlow said...

I'd be happy to show it to you, although I doubt it's as interesting as you might be expecting.