Saturday, January 24, 2009

That Movie Awards Thing

Rachel has informed me that I ought to have posted some thoughts on the recent Oscar Nominations, so I’m going to try to do that.


I don’t actually have a lot to say. I’ve only seen one of the best picture nominees (although I deliberately avoided some of the others, since I assumed they would be nominated, and that I would therefore see them in this year’s AMC best picture marathon). I guess I do have a few comments, which I will organize in handy bullet-point form:

---I was disappointed that the Wrestler didn’t get more love, but hooray for Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei. Hopefully Rourke wears a wallet chain to the show. And punches someone.

---I’m actually kind of surprised that The Dark Knight didn’t make much of a showing. Sure, it doesn’t seem like an “Oscar” sort of movie, but then, honestly, neither did any of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is the biggest box office hit since Titanic and better reviewed than any of the Best Picture Nominees other than Slumdog Millionaire. Seems like an obvious choice. Still, I’m not bothered by this, just a little surprised.

---Seriously? Tropic Thunder yielded an acting nomination? What the shit?

---Hey, look. Wall-E got nominated for Best Pixar Movie. I mean Best Animated Film.

---And I’m spent. Be on the lookout for information on the somethingth-annual Superhouse Oscar Pool, coming soon to an email near you.

EDIT- One more thought:


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